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1.Product information:

Product name

Purple corn powder

Product source

Purple corn

Physical and chemical properties

Purple-red to deep purple powder, with its unique odor and no peculiar smell.

Main ingredients

Phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, trace elements, microbiotics, etc.


GB/T 29602       Q/HZD 0006S-2019

Storage method / shelf life

Store in a cool, dark and dry place after sealing/12 months


2. Introduction of raw materials


Purple corn, also known as "Black Pearl", has a plant height of about 1.5 meters and a maturity period of about 100 days. A plant has 1-3 pistils and usually bears 1-2 cobs. When it is just grained, it has a crystal-clear ivory color. After growing up, it gradually turns into light red, becomes purple when mature, and becomes purple-black when dried. The stick length is about 10cm, and the 1,000-grain weight is about 120 grams. It is rich in nutritional value, contains phenolic compounds and anthocyanins, has good antioxidant properties, contains trace elements, multiple vitamins and natural pigments.


3. Product appearance and application cases:


Powder appearance:


商都县| 龙州县| 唐海县| 兰考县| 贵定县| 衡南县| 临澧县| 丹东市| 多伦县| 德钦县| 南城县| 华池县| 观塘区| 平顺县| 灵山县| 克山县| 浏阳市| 赤水市| 教育| 罗平县| 黄大仙区| 武强县| 乌恰县| 永兴县| 余姚市| 云龙县| 三门县| 元江| 泰宁县| 连云港市| 吉隆县| 乌苏市| 临猗县| 泗洪县| 中方县| 台前县| 莲花县| 滁州市| 固阳县| 葫芦岛市| 靖江市|