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1.Product information:

Product name

Cuttlefish sauce

Product source

Refined from cuttlefish ink

Physical and chemical properties

Black paste to viscous liquid, with its unique fishy smell


GB 10133-2014

Storage method / shelf life

Store in a cool, dark, dry place, refrigerate after opening the lid and use it as soon as possible/12 months

2. Product introduction:

Product name: Cuttlefish sauce


Cuttlefish ink has high nutritional value. It can be used as a condiment and has certain medicinal value. In addition, it can also color foods, purely natural sources, and be made into cuttlefish sauce. It can be used as a seasoning product and can be used for food at the same time. Coloring, wide application range, good light and heat stability, black application effect   

Application areas: It can be used to make black pasta, meat sausages, baked goods, cooking, etc. The recommended dosage is 1~2%;


Product appearance and application examples:

This product can be used as food directly or added to other foods.

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