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1、Product information:


Product name

Tomato Powder

Product source


Physi-chemical Item  

Orange red, with its unique odor and no peculiar smell.

Executive standard

GB/T 29602       Q/HZD 0006S-2019

Storage method / shelf life

Sealed and store in cool, dark and dry place/12months

2、Product dosage form:

Dosage form/specification


Product features

Application field

Tomato Powder

Water-soluble powder

Fine and fine sieve, good water solubility, no graininess,

Can be used for baking, frozen rice noodles and other foods


3、 Product introduction :

It uses high-quality tomatoes as raw materials and is concentrated and dried to maintain the naturalness, natural color and flavor of tomatoes. Tomato powder is rich in nutrients, contains a lot of vitamin C and minerals, and has a coloring function

4、 Product appearance and application:

Powder appearance:


Application in cake: (addition amount is 4%, baking temperature and time are 180℃, 25min)


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