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1.Product information:

Product Name

Gardenia blue

Product source

Gardenia fruit was used as raw material and processed by extraction, refining and drying.

Product characteristics

Dark blue powder, easily soluble in water, insoluble in oil, bright blue in aqueous solution, color tone is not affected by pH, strong dyeing power to protein and general photostability.



Storage method / shelf life

Store in a dark, cool and dry place after sealing / 12 months

2.Product specification:

E1% 1cm30—E1% 1cm150 powder. In addition to conventional products, it can provide dark blue, sky blue and purple blue products; It can provide products with good acid resistance (no precipitation at pH 2.5) and good light resistance.

3.Product indroduction

Gardenia blue is made by using the geniposide in the gardenia fruit through enzymatic hydrolysis, fermentation, refining and other processes. Dark blue powder, easily soluble in water but insoluble in fat. The aqueous solution is bright blue, the hue is not affected by pH, the hue is stable at pH 4.0-10.0, precipitation is prone to occur at pH <3.0 (normal), and the pH 2.5-4.0 does not precipitate (acid resistance). It has strong staining power to protein and general light stability.


Strong acid resistance

4.Product appearance and application cases:

逊克县| 平安县| 庐江县| 安康市| 团风县| 大丰市| 漠河县| 泾阳县| 秦皇岛市| 牟定县| 宜都市| 平潭县| 珠海市| 宜兰市| 定远县| 广水市| 忻城县| 外汇| 九寨沟县| 静宁县| 二连浩特市| 治多县| 阿克陶县| 西盟| 都匀市| 班戈县| 通城县| 新源县| 江安县| 迁西县| 宁南县| 科技| 峡江县| 平罗县| 吉木乃县| 河津市| 裕民县| 津南区| 墨玉县| 历史| 隆安县|